Men­tor­ing again in the GSoC

Seems that I will active­ly men­tor again in this Google Sum­mer of Code (as opposed to just review the sub­mis­sions from stu­dents and/or act­ing as a fall-back mentor).

The project I will men­tor is the “Make option­al ker­nel sub­sys­tems reg­is­ter them­selves via sysctl”-one from the FreeB­SD ideas page.

The stu­dent already got into con­tact with me and it looks like he is moti­vat­ed (he is already sub­scribed to sev­er­al FreeB­SD mail­inglists, which is not a require­ment we have in our GSoC docs).

Catch­ing up… linuxulator.

The lin­ux­u­la­tor is synced on amd64 with i386 (since a while). This means TLS is work­ing now and we have the same (a lit­tle bit bug­gy) futexes.

Roman is slow­ly work­ing on the *at() com­mands. He also applied for the GSoC this year again. Kib is will­ing to men­tor (in case Roman gets a free seat in the SoC). I reject­ed the men­tor­ing posi­tion this time, as I don’t know if I will have enough time this sum­mer, but I hope I will be around.

lin­ux­o­la­tor day

A hap­py wel­come to Boris Samorodov to the ports com­mit­ters team (I’m his men­tor). This means I don’t have the bur­den to take care of the lin­ux­o­la­tor infra­struc­ture in the Ports Col­lec­tion alone any­more. Yeah!

Today I com­mit­ted anoth­er part of Roman’s work in the lin­ux­o­la­tor SoC. Now we should get log mes­sages for the new miss­ing syscalls for real. We defin­i­tive­ly need high lev­el overview doc­u­ments for subsystems.

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