Essen Hack­thon 2015 – last day status

I com­mit­ted the 64bit sup­port for the lin­ux base ports (dis­abled by default, check the com­mit mes­sage), but this broke the INDEX build. Port­m­gr was faster than me to revert it. All errors are mine. I think most of the work is done, I just need to find out what the cor­rect way is to han­dle this make/fmake dif­fer­ence (mal­formed conditional).

Essen Hackathon 2015 – How it looks like

For those curi­ous how it looks like:

FreeBSD developers with laptops outside in the sunClock­wise start­ing from the bot­tom left: flo, rodri­go, dru, Tux (in the back­ground, act­ing as a guard-dog^Wpenguin of the Lin­ux­ho­tel), bcr, lme, kp, brueffer.

From anoth­er angle:

Clock­wise start­ing from the bot­tom: flo, rodri­go, dru, bcr, lme, kp, brueffer.

Not on the pic­tures is Sean Chittenden.

Essen Hackathon Sta­tus report – 2nd day

I had a look at the open PR’s for a quick-win and found one where the depen­den­cies where incom­plete. Fixed.

Then I reviewed Alan Jude’s patch for 64bit linux_base-c6 ports (on amd64). Looks good so far. Just a few minor issues. I took the time to get famil­iar with and the arc com­mand line tool, applied the patch to my source tree, worked a while on merge-conflicts, added some minor changes, and val­i­dat­ed the down­load of the 32bit RPM’s of the linux_base-c6 port.

In between I also discussed/reviewed some fix­es for docs with Dru, signed some PGP keys, and served as a source for a fun­ny pic­ture (at least what geeks/nerds con­sid­er a fun­ny pic­ture). I also checked how to allow multi-cast in jails. There is a PR with a patch inside, but it’s IPv6 only. I did some­thing sim­i­lar for IPv4 and com­piled a ker­nel. No com­pile time issues, but as the sys­tem where I can eas­i­ly test this is at home, I pre­fer to be in front of the box in case it pan­ics (that tells some­thing about my con­fi­dence lev­el of my patch… no idea if what I do there is actu­al­ly cor­rect… ENOCLUE about the net­work code in the kernel).

TODO for the last day of the Hackathon:

  • val­i­date all RPM’s (down­load / dis­tin­fo) of the ports which changed
  • val­i­date the install/deinstall of the 32bit ver­sion of the ports for regression
  • val­i­date the 64bit install/deinstall for at least the lin­ux base port (more if time per­mits tomorrow)

Essen Hackathon sta­tus report – 1st day/evening

The Essen Hackathon 2015 starts. More or less around 6pm peo­ple start­ed to show up (includ­ing myself). The social­iz­ing ses­sion (BBQ) had some funny/interesting sto­ries, and pro­vid­ed already some inter­est­ing top­ics to have a clos­er look at.

Pos­si­ble can­di­dates where I can pro­vide some input are around DTrace: How to use it (but prob­a­bly Sean Chit­ten­den has some much more inter­est­ing DTrace things to show) and how to add SDT probes to the kernel.

On the ports side I want to get some insight into the USES frame­work, to see if it may be easy to con­vert the lin­ux­u­la­tor ports to it or not. Maybe I can also have a deep­er look into patch­es for the 64bit side of the linux_base ports.

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