Does every geek take a pho­to of Google in Zürich?

Maybe not all… my col­leagues would­n’t have gone there if I would­n’t have said something…

To be hon­est, I would have expect­ed some­thing a lit­tle bit more shiny/geeky/… to take a pic­ture of (any­way, if you don’t see it: I have a real smile in my face on the pic­ture, so the geek in me enjoyed tak­ing the photo).


Alexander Leidinger in front of Google CH
Me in front of Google CH


Google CH


Hap­py Birth­day” from Google

In case you haven’t noticed yet:

In case you use a Brows­er which “is reg­is­tered with Google” (cook­ie, Chrome sync, Hang­outs plu­g­in …) in a way that Google knows who you are when you enter the search page, and you have your birth­day entered in this account, then Google presents you a “Hap­py Birth­day” Google-Doodle on that day. If you are not on Google+ and you klick on the pic­ture, you get a page which offers you to upgrade to Goolge+.

Funny/scary? Up to you. For me it just visu­alis­es what I knew already (you can do a lot with per­son­al info, and Google get’s a lot of this) and I say “Thank you Google” (but I don’t upgrade to Google+).

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