Speed­ing up the pack­age depen­den­cy list creation

Stephen Montgomery-Smith post­ed some patch­es for bsd.port.mk to the ports mail­inglist to speed up the pack­age depen­den­cy list cre­ation. He did cut down the time from about 2min30sec (pack­age depen­den­cy list of gnome2, test­ed on my sys­tem) to about 15 – 18sec. I enhanced this and now the time is down to about 12sec and a lot less pro­grams to exe­cute in the call (may be impor­tant on slow systems).

The patch for bsd.port.mk in my ports-patches direc­to­ry con­tains more than only those improve­ments, the oth­er part is not sub­ject to sub­mis­sion yet.

If nobody finds some prob­lems with the patch I will send it to GNATS and assign it to port­m­gr for inclu­sion into one of the next exper­i­men­tal ports builds.

Lin­ux & Unix day 2007 in Zweibrück­en (Ger­many)

Some impres­sions from this day:

  • did meet nice people
  • CAc­ert assur­ing was nice (1 of 3 assur­er already gave some points to me, wait­ing for the rest to be able to be able to assure myself), now I know I have to get a new pho­to ID soon (expiry date)
  • 10 – 15 peo­ple in my pre­sen­ta­tion, as there where not much peo­ple in total, this was ok/good enough for me
  • not train­ing a pre­sen­ta­tion at all is not a very good idea (I did know this already, but ENOTIME), but I was told it was ok
  • hav­ing a lap­top which exhibits some­times some hard­ware prob­lems will call for Mur­phy in any pre­sen­ta­tion more than once (thanks to Ulrich Spo­er­lein for jump­ing in with his own lap­top, so I was able to continue)
  • Oliv­er Herold (Desk­topB­SD) did­n’t seem to have time to show up, so no min­i­mal ex-classmate-meeting 🙁
  • some pho­tos (cur­tesy of Andreas Steinel)
  • you can eat a good piz­za at the FH in ZW
  • I gave the remain­ing pro­mo­tion­al mate­r­i­al (a lot of fly­ers, a lot of FreeS­BIE CDs and sev­er­al FreeB­SD 6.2 install CDs) to the Unix­AG in ZW (thanks to Daniel Seuf­fert for pro­vid­ing all of this to me)
  • I did not win the Cook­book for Geeks
  • the 1822 Direkt Bank in Frank­furt (FFM) uses FreeB­SD (and oth­er nice Open Source stuff)
  • latex-beamer is nice and easy (and was used for a lot of pre­sen­ta­tions on this day)
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