Sock­ets and nullfs: works now in ‑cur­rent

I just updat­ed to a recent ‑cur­rent and tried the new nullfs. Sock­ets (e.g. the MySQL one) work now with nullfs. No need to have e.g. jails on the same FS and hardlink the sock­et to not need to use TCP in MySQL (or an IP at all for the jail).

Great work!

New oppor­tu­ni­ties in the linuxulator

Last week­end I com­mit­ted some dummy-syscalls to the lin­ux­u­la­tor in FreeBSD-current. I also added some com­ments to syscalls.master which should give a hint which lin­ux ker­nel had them for the first time (if the lin­ux man-page I looked this up in is cor­rect). So if some­one wants to exper­i­ment with a high­er compat.linux.osrelease than 2.6.16 (as it is need­ed for a Cen­tOS based linux_base), he should now get some ker­nel mes­sages about unim­ple­ment­ed syscalls instead of a silent failure.

There may be some low-hanging fruits in there, but I did not real­ly ver­i­fy this by check­ing what the dum­my syscalls are sup­posed to do in lin­ux and if we can eas­i­ly map this to exist­ing FreeB­SD fea­tures. In case some­one has a look, please send an email to

New Cen­tOS linux_base for test­ing soonish

It seems my HOWTO cre­ate a new linux_base port was not too bad. There is now a PR for a Cen­tOS 6 based linux_base port. I had a quick look at it and it seems that it is near­ly usable to include into the Ports Col­lec­tion (the SRPMs need to be added, but that can be done with­in some minutes).

When FreeB­SD 8.3 is released and the Ports Col­lec­tion open for sweep­ing com­mits again, I will ask port­m­gr to do a repo-copy for the new port and com­mit it. This is just the linux_base port, not the com­plete infra­struc­ture which is need­ed to com­plete­ly replace the cur­rent default lin­ux­u­la­tor user­land. This is just a start. The process of switch­ing to a more recent linux_base port is a long process, and in this case depends upon enough sup­port in the sup­port­ed FreeB­SD releases.

Atten­tion: Any­one installing the port from the PR should be aware that using it is a high­ly exper­i­men­tal task. You need to change the lin­ux­u­la­tor to imper­son­ate him­self as a lin­ux 2.6.18 ker­nel (described in the pkg-message of the port), and the code in FreeB­SD is far from sup­port­ing this. Any­one who wants to try it is wel­come, but you have to run FreeBSD-current as of at least the last week­end, and watch out for ker­nel mes­sages about unsup­port­ed syscalls. Reports to please, not here on the webpage.

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