I switched my feed reader

Before I have read the news feeds I am inter­est­ed in via the Fire­fox plu­g­in “brief”. It did all I want­ed it to do, but I had all the data and meta­da­ta (all the feeds and read items) only in one brows­er. I was not able to have a shared state at work and at home.

Now I installed rnews on my web­serv­er. It is multi-user capa­ble, so that mul­ti­ple peo­ple can read the feeds they are inter­est­ed in, with­out the need to have mul­ti­ple instal­la­tions. I can use it from any place where I have an inter­net con­nec­tion, with­out los­ing the state.

It is in the FreeB­SD Ports Col­lec­tion as www/rnews.

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