Speed­ing up the pack­age depen­den­cy list creation

Stephen Montgomery-Smith post­ed some patch­es for bsd.port.mk to the ports mail­inglist to speed up the pack­age depen­den­cy list cre­ation. He did cut down the time from about 2min30sec (pack­age depen­den­cy list of gnome2, test­ed on my sys­tem) to about 15 – 18sec. I enhanced this and now the time is down to about 12sec and a lot less pro­grams to exe­cute in the call (may be impor­tant on slow systems).

The patch for bsd.port.mk in my ports-patches direc­to­ry con­tains more than only those improve­ments, the oth­er part is not sub­ject to sub­mis­sion yet.

If nobody finds some prob­lems with the patch I will send it to GNATS and assign it to port­m­gr for inclu­sion into one of the next exper­i­men­tal ports builds.

One thought on “Speed­ing up the pack­age depen­den­cy list creation”

  1. FreeB­SD keeps amaz­ing me day and after day!

    Thank you for all your hard work guys! 🙂

    I can’t wait to see this com­mit­ed soon 😉


    Abdul­lah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri

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