Rant about Berke­ley­DB docs

I was build­ing Berke­ley­DB (4.7, yes I know, there are more recent ver­sions avail­able) on a Solaris machine. First try was to unpack, cd into the direc­to­ry, run con­fig­ure. It failed, there is no con­fig­ure script. Bah. 🙁

Sec­ond try: search­ing for docs… found some… in HTML (the README refers to it and tells noth­ing else). This is a remote machine, I do not want to use a HTML brows­er remote­ly (I may not even have one installed there…). Bah. 🙁

Ok, dist/configure exists, no spe­cial options need­ed for my case, it seems.

There is even a Solaris spe­cif­ic HTML file, but from a quick glance at it with ‘less’, it looks like a FAQ.

Usabil­i­ty from a com­mand line: zero.
Pos­si­bil­i­ty to com­pile from a GUI (unix): I doubt it.

What is wrong with plain text files? If I down­load the source and want to com­pile it (and for Solaris this is the nor­mal way of work­ing), why the hell do I need some GUI instead of get­ting a plain text file with the required descrip­tion (which is not graph­i­cal­ly enhanced in the HTML ver­sion either)? You can even gen­er­ate a plain text ver­sion of the docs auto­mat­i­cal­ly dur­ing the src-packaging process.

Hey Ora­cle, there is room for improve­ment here!

Men­tor­ing again in the GSoC

Seems that I will active­ly men­tor again in this Google Sum­mer of Code (as opposed to just review the sub­mis­sions from stu­dents and/or act­ing as a fall-back mentor).

The project I will men­tor is the “Make option­al ker­nel sub­sys­tems reg­is­ter them­selves via sysctl”-one from the FreeB­SD ideas page.

The stu­dent already got into con­tact with me and it looks like he is moti­vat­ed (he is already sub­scribed to sev­er­al FreeB­SD mail­inglists, which is not a require­ment we have in our GSoC docs).

Doxy­gen stuff updat­ed in 9‑current

I com­mit­ted my patch for tools/kerneldoc/subsys. Except for not gen­er­at­ing the PDF part, this is now the same con­fig which I use to gen­er­ate the online ver­sion. While writ­ing the com­mit log I noticed that I did more changes than I thought…

So any­one who wants to gen­er­ate the Doxy­gen docs of some FreeB­SD ker­nel sub­sys­tems on his own, can do it now. Adding more sub­sys­tems is easy, just make a copy of one the the exist­ing Doxyfile-* files – keep the same nam­ing scheme – and change the con­tents. Every­thing else is han­dled automatically.

I also added a link to the FreeB­SD wiki. It is not at a promi­nent place (near the end of the main page), but at least some­one can find the link to the my FreeBSD-doxygen page there.

I got some­thing done in the last days

Wow, some of the TODO items in the last post are done:

  • emu10k1 low­er pri­or­i­ty on attach (allows emu10kx to attach when loaded too)
  • sade com­mit­ted (and code improved)

And I did some more things:

  • emu10kx fix­es (sub­mit­ted by Yuriy)
  • enhance­ment of the bsd to lin­ux errno map­ping (sub­mit­ted by “Intron”)
  • added some more files to ObsoleteFiles.inc (sub­mit­ted by kris@)
  • had a look at linux_kdump and deter­mined that we should update it with what we have in ‑cur­rent

There’s also a sub­mis­sion of sup­port for Envy24HT chips from Kon­stan­tin (he also has a page with a lot of docs for envy* chips).

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