IPv6 in my WLAN

The man­u­fac­tur­er of my WLAN router released a new firmware. It con­tains IPv6 and DNSSEC sup­port. I got a lit­tle bit of time and pow­er to install it. Unfor­tu­nate­ly my ISP does not pro­vide IPv6 connectivity.

I have now installed the IPv6 sup­port in Win­dows XP for the Net­book, cre­at­ed (and reg­is­tered) an ULA pre­fix at SixXS, and ver­i­fied that the net­work stack of XP gets it from the WLAN router.

When I do an IPv6 ping from the lap­top to the router, it works, but the IPv6 address does not show up in the Home­net­work overview of the router. Seems they still have some work to do.

Regard­ing DNSSEC I do not see any options in the man­age­ment inter­face, but I assume it just means that the DNS serv­er does the right thing when he is con­front­ed with recur­sive DNSSEC requests. No idea if he will val­i­date him­self and if yes, if he will add some log mes­sages regard­ing it or not.

Fight­ing with the SUN LDAP server

At work we decid­ed to update our LDAP infra­struc­ture. From SUN Direc­to­ry Serv­er 5.2 to 6.3(.1). The per­son doing this is: me.

We have some require­ments for the appli­ca­tions we install, we want them in spe­cif­ic loca­tions so that we are able to move them between servers more eas­i­ly (no need to search all stuff in the entire sys­tem, just the gener­ic loca­tion and some stuff in /etc needs to be tak­en care of… in the best case). SUN offers the DSEE 6.3.1 as a pack­age or as a ZIP-distribution. I decid­ed to down­load the ZIP-distribution, as this implies less stuff in non-conforming places.

The instal­la­tion went OK. After the ini­tial hur­dles of search­ing the SMF man­i­fest ref­er­enced in the docs (a com­mand shall install it) but not find­ing them because the ZIP-distribution does not con­tain this func­tion­al­i­ty (I see no tech­ni­cal rea­son; I installed the man­i­fest by hand), I had the new serv­er up, the data import­ed, and a work­sta­tion con­fig­ured to use this new server.

The next step was to set­up a sec­ond serv­er for multi-master repli­ca­tion. The docs for DSEE tell to use the web inter­face to con­fig­ure the repli­ca­tion (this is pre­ferred over the com­mand line way). I am more a com­mand line guy, but OK, if it is that much rec­om­mend­ed, I decid­ed to give it a try… and the web inter­face had to be installed any­way, so that the less com­mand line affine peo­ple in our team can have a look in case it is needed.

The bad news, it was hard to get the webin­ter­face up and run­ning. In the pack­age dis­tri­b­u­tion all this is sup­posed to be very easy, but in the ZIP-distribution I stum­bled over a lot of hur­dles. The GUI had to be installed in the java appli­ca­tion serv­er by hand instead of the more auto­mat­ic way when installed as a pack­age. When fol­low­ing the instal­la­tion pro­ce­dure, the appli­ca­tion serv­er wants a pass­word to start the web inter­face. The pack­age ver­sion allows to reg­is­ter it in the solaris man­age­ment inter­face, the ZIP-distribution does not (direct access to it works, off course). Adding a serv­er to the direc­to­ry serv­er web inter­face does not work via the web inter­face, I had to reg­is­ter it on the com­mand line. Once it is reg­is­tered, not every­thing of the LDAP serv­er is acces­si­ble, e.g. the error mes­sages and sim­i­lar. This may or may not be relat­ed to the fact that it is not very clear which programs/daemons/services have to run, for exam­ple do I need to use the cacaoadm of the sys­tem, or the one which comes with DSEE? In my tests it looks like they are dif­fer­ent beasts inde­pen­dent from each oth­er, but I did not try all pos­si­ble com­bi­na­tions to see if this affects the behav­ior of the web inter­face or not.

All the prob­lems may be doc­u­ment­ed in one or two of the DSEE doc­u­ments, but at least in the instal­la­tion doc­u­ment there is not enough doc­u­men­ta­tion regard­ing all my ques­tions. Seems I have to read a lot more doc­u­men­ta­tion to get the web inter­face run­ning… which is a shame, as the man­age­ment inter­face which is sup­posed to make the admin­is­tra­tion more easy needs more doc­u­men­ta­tion than the prod­uct it is sup­posed to manage.

Oh, yes, once I had both LDAP servers reg­is­tered in the web inter­face, set­ting up the repli­ca­tion was very easy.

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