IPv6 in my WLAN

The man­u­fac­tur­er of my WLAN router released a new firmware. It con­tains IPv6 and DNSSEC sup­port. I got a lit­tle bit of time and pow­er to install it. Unfor­tu­nate­ly my ISP does not pro­vide IPv6 connectivity.

I have now installed the IPv6 sup­port in Win­dows XP for the Net­book, cre­at­ed (and reg­is­tered) an ULA pre­fix at SixXS, and ver­i­fied that the net­work stack of XP gets it from the WLAN router.

When I do an IPv6 ping from the lap­top to the router, it works, but the IPv6 address does not show up in the Home­net­work overview of the router. Seems they still have some work to do.

Regard­ing DNSSEC I do not see any options in the man­age­ment inter­face, but I assume it just means that the DNS serv­er does the right thing when he is con­front­ed with recur­sive DNSSEC requests. No idea if he will val­i­date him­self and if yes, if he will add some log mes­sages regard­ing it or not.

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