Ports relat­ed stuff

The pack­age depen­den­cy speedup was com­mit­ted by port­m­gr, unfor­tu­nate­ly it was not the lat­est ver­sion of it. The most recent ver­sion is sched­uled for an exper­i­men­tal ports build run (my patch also con­tains the pos­si­bil­i­ty to switch of the reg­is­tra­tion of implic­it depen­den­cies, if enabled it gives a much bet­ter pic­ture regard­ing which port needs to be rebuild (portre­vi­sion bump) in case a depen­den­cy changes).

Patch­es for speed­ing up “make clean” are also sched­uled for an exper­i­men­tal ports build run. The pkg_create patch was also com­mit­ted to ‑cur­rent.

With all those stuff an update is much faster now, at least for those ports where the compile/build time was much low­er than the infra­struc­ture pro­cess­ing (I doubt you will see a sig­nif­i­cant change in a build of OO 😉 ).

Speed­ing up the pack­age depen­den­cy list creation

Stephen Montgomery-Smith post­ed some patch­es for bsd.port.mk to the ports mail­inglist to speed up the pack­age depen­den­cy list cre­ation. He did cut down the time from about 2min30sec (pack­age depen­den­cy list of gnome2, test­ed on my sys­tem) to about 15 – 18sec. I enhanced this and now the time is down to about 12sec and a lot less pro­grams to exe­cute in the call (may be impor­tant on slow systems).

The patch for bsd.port.mk in my ports-patches direc­to­ry con­tains more than only those improve­ments, the oth­er part is not sub­ject to sub­mis­sion yet.

If nobody finds some prob­lems with the patch I will send it to GNATS and assign it to port­m­gr for inclu­sion into one of the next exper­i­men­tal ports builds.

Some fix­es for the lin­ux­o­la­tor after test­ing by users

After the call for pub­lic test­ing we got some reports about LORs and a pan­ic. This hap­pened after an exten­sive par­al­lel com­pil­ing ses­sion of lin­ux stuff on a SMP sys­tem for sev­er­al hours. Roman redid some of the lock­ing and the fix­es are in the tree. Inter­me­di­ate patch­es already showed promis­ing results. We’re wait­ing for the test of the com­mit­ted solu­tion now.

Yes­ter­day we also got reports about seg­faults with lin­ux Java 5 and 6. This is under inves­ti­ga­tion (any debug­ging help would be appre­ci­at­ed, Java is a large beast).

I also noticed that we don’t have the results of a LTP run of a native Lin­ux sys­tem in the wiki. It would be very nice to have this, as it would allow us to see bro­ken test cas­es (Roman thinks the ope­nat tests are flawed) or at least we see where it does­n’t mat­ter much that we don’t PASS.

SoC 2006 fin­ished (sound project committed)

I com­mit­ted the stuff from the sound project just a few min­utes ago. So the SoC 2006 has offi­cial­ly end­ed for me (I just wait for the T‑Shirt now… 🙂 ).

This does­n’t mean I don’t care about the stuff any­more. I will com­mit fix­es in case prob­lems show up and I’m also respon­si­ble in case my ex-mentees have ques­tions or patch­es. It’s just that the offi­cial part is done now.

Hap­py bughunt­ing to all.