LAME updat­ed in the FreeB­SD ports collection

After all the big-impact com­mits (Gnome/gettext/KDE/X11/…) have set­tled now, I took the time to update audio/lame (I iden­ti­fied more than 100 ports with an (implic­it) depen­den­cy on lame, 45 of them need­ed a portre­vi­sion bump; if I forgot/overlooked some, bump the revi­sion your­self or noti­fy me please). That is the first update of my ports where miwi@ did not beat me in com­mit­ting an update since a year (he has implic­it approval to do any­thing he wants with my ports).

I can be hap­py that he is/was this fast (and that we have such a pro­duc­tive and effi­cient com­mit­ter), or I can be sad that I do not have the time any­more to be faster than I am with such things… or both. Hmmm… I think I will go the hap­py way. 😉

Ports relat­ed stuff

The pack­age depen­den­cy speedup was com­mit­ted by port­m­gr, unfor­tu­nate­ly it was not the lat­est ver­sion of it. The most recent ver­sion is sched­uled for an exper­i­men­tal ports build run (my patch also con­tains the pos­si­bil­i­ty to switch of the reg­is­tra­tion of implic­it depen­den­cies, if enabled it gives a much bet­ter pic­ture regard­ing which port needs to be rebuild (portre­vi­sion bump) in case a depen­den­cy changes).

Patch­es for speed­ing up “make clean” are also sched­uled for an exper­i­men­tal ports build run. The pkg_create patch was also com­mit­ted to ‑cur­rent.

With all those stuff an update is much faster now, at least for those ports where the compile/build time was much low­er than the infra­struc­ture pro­cess­ing (I doubt you will see a sig­nif­i­cant change in a build of OO 😉 ).