Tarsnap usage statistics

The more time pass­es with tarsnap, the more impres­sive it is.

Fol­low­ing is a list of all my pri­vate­ly used sys­tems (2 machines which only host jails – here named Prison1 and Prison2 – and sev­er­al jails – here named accord­ing to their func­tion­al­i­ty) togeth­er with some tarsnap sta­tis­tics. For each back­up tarsnap prints out some sta­tis­tics. The amount of uncom­pressed stor­age space of all archives of this machine, the com­pressed stor­age space of all archives, the unique uncom­pressed stor­age space of all archives, the unique com­pressed stor­age space of all archives, and the same mount of info for the cur­rent archive. The unique stor­age space is after dedu­pli­ca­tion. The most inter­est­ing infor­ma­tion is the unique and com­pressed one. For a spe­cif­ic archive it shows the amount of data which is dif­fer­ent to all oth­er archives, and for the total amount it tells how much stor­age space is used on the tarsnap serv­er. I do not back­up all data in tarsnap. I do a full back­up on exter­nal stor­age (zfs snap­shot + zfs send | zfs receive) once in a while and tarsnap is only for the stuff which could change dai­ly or is very small (my mails belong to the first group, the con­fig of appli­ca­tions or the sys­tem to the sec­ond group). At the end of the post there is also an overview of the mon­ey I have spend so far in tarsnap for the backups.

Atten­tion: the fol­low­ing graphs are dis­play­ing small val­ues in KB, while the text is telling about sizes in MB or even GB!


The back­up of one day cov­ers 1.1 GB of uncom­pressed data, the sub­trees I back­up are /etc, /usr/local/etc, /home, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mergemaster.mtree, /space/jails/flavours and a sub­ver­sion check­out of /usr/src (exclud­ing the ker­nel com­pile direc­to­ry; I back­up this as I have local mod­i­fi­ca­tions to FreeB­SD). If I want to have all days uncom­pressed on my hard­disk, I would have to pro­vide 10 GB of stor­age space. Com­pressed this comes down to 2.4 GB, unique uncom­pressed this is 853 MB, and unique com­pressed this is 243 MB. The fol­low­ing graph splits this up into all the back­ups I have as of this writ­ting. I only show the unique val­ues, as includ­ing the total val­ues would make the unique val­ues dis­ap­pear in the graph (val­ues too small).

In this graph we see that I have a con­stant rate of new data. I think this is most­ly ref­er­ences to already stored data (/usr/src being the most like­ly cause of this, noth­ing changed in those directories).


One day cov­ers 7 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 56 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 1.3 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/named, and /var/db/mergemaster.mtree.

This graph is strange. I have no idea why there is so much data for the sec­ond and the last day. Noth­ing changed.


One day cov­ers 8 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 62 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 1.5 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/spool/postfix, and /var/db/mergemaster.mtree.

This looks not bad. I was send­ing a lot of mails on the 25th. And the days in the mid­dle I was not send­ing much.


One day cov­ers about 900 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 7.2 GB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 526 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mergemaster.mtree, /home (mail fold­ers) and /usr/local/share/courier-imap.

Obvi­ous­ly I have a not so small amount of change in my mail­box. As my spam­fil­ter is work­ing nice­ly this is direct­ly cor­re­lat­ed to mails from var­i­ous mail­inglists (most­ly FreeBSD).

MySQL (for the Horde web­mail interface)

One day cov­ers 100 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 801 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 19 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mysql and /var/db/mergemaster.mtree.

This is cor­re­lat­ed with the use of my web­mail inter­face, and as such is also cor­re­lat­ed with the amount of mails I get and send. Obvi­ous­ly I did not use my web­mail inter­face at the week­end (as the back­up cov­ers the change of the pre­vi­ous day).


One day cov­ers 121 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 973 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 33 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mergemaster.mtree, /usr/local/www/horde and /home.

This one is strange again. Noth­ing in the data changed.


One day cov­ers 10 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 72 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 1.9 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mergemaster.mtree and /var/db/samba.

Here we see the changes to /var/db/samba, this should be most­ly my Wii access­ing mul­ti­me­dia files there.


One day cov­ers 31 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 223 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 6.6 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg and /var/db/mergemaster.mtree.

This is also a strange graph. Again, noth­ing changed there (the cache direc­to­ry is not in the backup).


One day cov­ers 44 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 310 uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 11 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mergemaster.mtree, /home and /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin.

And again a strange graph. No changes in the FS.


One day cov­ers 120 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 845 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 25 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mergemaster.mtree, /usr/local/www/gallery2 and /home/gallery (exclud­ing some parts of /home/gallery).

This one is OK. Friends and Fam­i­ly access­ing the pictures.


One day cov­ers 7 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 28 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 1.3 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mergemaster.mtree, /space/jails/flavours and /home.

This one looks strange to me again. Same rea­sons as with the pre­vi­ous graphs.


One day cov­ers 56 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 225 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this  comes down to 5.4 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /usr/local/www/postfixadmin, /root/, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mysql, /var/spool/postfix and /var/db/mergemaster.mtree.

This graph looks OK to me.


One day cov­ers 59 MB of uncom­pressed data, all archives take 478 MB uncom­pressed, unique and com­pressed this comes down to 14 MB. This cov­ers /etc, /usr/local/etc, /root, /home, /var/db/pkg, /var/db/mergemaster.mtree, /var/db/mysql and /var/spool/ejabberd (yes, no back­up of the web-data, I have it in anoth­er jail, no need to back­up it again). 

With the MySQL and XMPP data­bas­es in the back­up, I do not think this graph is wrong.


The total amount of stored data per sys­tem is: 


Since I use tarsnap (8 days), I have spend 38 cents, most of this is band­width cost for the trans­fer of the ini­tial back­up (29.21 cents). Accord­ing to the graphs, I am cur­rent­ly at about 8 – 14 cents per week (or about half a dol­lar per month) for my back­ups (I still have a machine to add, and this may increase the amount in a sim­i­lar way than the Prison1 sys­tem with 2 – 3 jails). The amount of mon­ey spend in US-cents (round­ed!) per day is: 

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