Solaris 10 update 9: the not so nice things about it

I updat­ed some work­sta­tions of the client to Solaris 10 update 9. Upon installing my xorg.conf (dual-screen set­up) I had to notice that it does not work any­more. The prob­lem is, that the NVidia dri­ver does not con­tain sup­port for the graph­ic card we use.

Nor­mal­ly this is not a big deal, this can hap­pen… but in this case this is about SUN Ultra 20 work­sta­tions with SUN pro­vid­ed NVidia Quat­tro FX (NV37GL) cards. Ok, they are not the most recent ones, they where bought 4 – 5 years ago, but still, they just work as need­ed here and the cur­rent Solaris release has no out-of-the-box sup­port for them. I would expect this to work already in a fresh install (yes, I was not able to get the nv dri­ver to work with two screens on this graph­ic card, it seems the nv dri­ver has not sup­port for this).

Solu­tion for me: down­load the old dri­ver from NVidia and inte­grate it into Jump­start (but still, some hours are lost because of first try­ing to get a work­ing dual-screen set­up with the nv dri­ver before tak­ing an old NVidia dri­ver and using it like before in xorg.conf).

Anoth­er glitch a co-worker dis­cov­ered is that StarOf­fice is not includ­ed any­more. That is again some­thing which will cause some loss of time. I will have to have a look how to han­dle it. Prob­a­bly it is best to install it on the serv­er and mount it via NFS on the work­sta­tions. I will see soon if this is can be done (instal­la­tion of OO into a spe­cif­ic place which can be shared) or not.

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