Sony BRAVIA TV & DLNA formats

As I wrote ear­li­er, I try to get some infos which for­mats my Sony BRAVIA 5800 TV is able to play over the net­work. Sony is not real­ly help­ful (they tell only names some­one with a DLNA spec could cor­rect­ly inter­pret). Now I took the time to move my TV into a dif­fer­ent sub­net (the same where my NAS is in, not like before in a DMZ), and I installed minidl­na. After some net­work sniff­ing, the use of the Intel UPnP Device Spy and some minidlna-source read­ing I have now a bet­ter idea what my Sony TV expects.

The DLNA-specification seems to man­date a MIME-type and some DLNA-specific iden­ti­fi­er which describes the con­tent a play­er (a DLNA-Renderer) is able to dis­play. In the fol­low­ing I will present the MIME-type, the DLNA-identifier, and prob­a­bly a Sony-specific identifier.

Regard­ing pic­tures the TV only accepts JPEGs, bit in small, medi­um and large sizes. I did not both­er to look up what this means in real val­ues, so far this is not of high inter­est for me. For audio the TV accepts MP3s and LPCM (raw PCM sam­ples). The raw sniffed data from the TV looks like this:


The more inter­est­ing part for me is the video part. The TV sup­ports MPEG2 Video (the MPEG_ part in the DLNA.ORG_PN) and H.264 (the AVC_ part in the DLNA.ORG_PN). For MPEG2 it sup­ports pro­gram streams (PS in DLNA.ORG_PN) and trans­port streams (TS in DLNA.ORG_PN). For PS it sup­ports PAL and NTSC res­o­lu­tions (720×576 is PAL, HD res­o­lu­tions like 720p or 1080i or 1080p are not sup­port­ed). The packet-length of a trans­port steam can be 188 bytes or 192 bytes. If the width is >= 1288 or the height is >= 720, minidl­na adds HD in DLNA.ORG_PN, else it will add SD. The EU in DLNA.ORG_PN is for SD video with a height of 576 or 288 pix­els. Depend­ing of the com­bi­na­tion of the packet-length and if there is a time­stamp in use or not, the DLNA.ORG_PN will have a _ISO or a _T appended.

It also sup­ports H.264. The DLNA.ORG_PN starts with a AVC in this case. Only trans­port streams (TS  in DLNA.ORG_PN) is sup­port­ed. As with MPEG2, the packet-length of the TS can be 188 or 192 bytes. Depend­ing of the com­bi­na­tion of the packet-length and if there is a time­stamp in use or not, the DLNA.ORG_PN will have a _ISO or a _T append­ed. Depend­ing on the pro­file used, minidl­na adds some more infos to the DLNA.ORG_PN, BL if it is a baseline-profile, MP if it is a main-profile, and HP if it is a high-profile. I do not see this in the valid video for­mats my TV request­ed over the wire. As with the MPEG2 for­mat, SD or HD is added (in minidl­na) depend­ing on the width and height, but also on the bitrate of the video. For the main-profile the width has to be <= 720, the height <= 576 and the bitrate <= 10M (base 10, not base 2) for SD, and the width has to be <=1920, the height <= 1152 and the bitrate <= 20M (base 10, not base 2) for HD. For the high-profile the width has to be <=1920, the height <=1152, the bitrate <= 30M (base 10, not base 2) and the audio has to be AC3 to get the HD added in DLNA.ORG_PN. The audio is spec­i­fied in DLNA.ORG_PN as MPEG1_L3 for MP3, AC3 for AC3, and AAC or AAC_MULT5 for AAC (stereo or 5‑channel). As can be seen below, the TV seems only to sup­port AC3 audio for AVC. The TV also has _24_, _50_ and _60_ in DLNA.ORG_PN. I did not find those things in the minidl­na source (but I have not real­ly searched for this). I could imag­ine that _24_ stands for 24 pic­tures per sec­ond, and the _50_ and _60_ for pro­gres­sive videos (with 50 respec­tive­ly 60 pic­tures per sec­ond), but this is pure spec­u­la­tion from my side. Here is the raw sniffed data:






So far I did not get the time to exper­i­ment with this. I also have the impres­sion that minidl­na has still some rough edges (the sin­tel video I used to test before with a dif­fer­ent media serv­er, does not show up in the list with minidlna).

All inter­nal ser­vices migrat­ed to IPv6

In the last days I migrat­ed all my inter­nal ser­vices to IPv6.

All my jails have an IPv4 and an IPv6 address now. All Apach­es (I have one for my pic­ture gallery, one for web­mail, and one for inter­nal man­age­ment) now lis­ten on the inter­nal IPv6 address too. Squid is updat­ed from 2.x to 3.1 (the most recent ver­sion in the Ports Col­lec­tion) and I added some IPv6 ACLs. The inter­nal Post­fix is con­fig­ured to han­dle IPv6 too (it is deliv­er­ing every­thing via an authen­ti­cat­ed and encrypt­ed chan­nel to a machine with a sta­t­ic IPv4 address for final deliv­ery). My MySQL does not need an IPv6 address, as it is only lis­ten­ing to requests via IPC (the sock­et is hardlinked between jails). All ssh dae­mons are con­fig­ured to lis­ten to IPv6 too. The IMAP and CUPS serv­er was pick­ing the new IPv6 address­es auto­mat­i­cal­ly. I also updat­ed Sam­ba to han­dle IPv6, but due to lack of a Win­dows machine which prefers IPv6 over IPv4 for CIFS access (at least I think my Win­dows XP net­book only tries IPv4 con­nec­tions) I can not real­ly test this.

Only my Wii is a lit­tle bit behind, and I have not checked if my Sony-TV will DTRT (but for this I first have to get some time to have a look if I have to update my DD-WRT firmware on the lit­tle WLAN-router which is “extend­ing the cable” from the TV to the inter­nal net­work, and I have to look how to con­fig­ure IPv6 with DD-WRT).

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