The rea­son why this blog was not acces­si­ble to some people

I got noti­fied that my blog was not acces­si­ble for a while. Seems that at least recent fire­fox ver­sions some­how changed their behav­ior in what is send in the HTTP-header. This caused an Apache Redi­rect­Match rule to trig­ger, which denies access to some parts of the blog for some users.

The WP-login, WP-dashboard, and logged-in users where not affect­ed by this, so if you have some cus­tom rules which deny access to your blog, make sure you make a test of your blog when logged-out.

Some com­pa­nies do not want to get money…

The rea­son for our prob­lems with the phone @Work (see relat­ed posts) is known now. The com­pa­ny pay­ing for the phone lines changed the tax num­ber (fall­out of a require­ment to make busi­ness with banks here), informed the 2 phone com­pa­nies they are using about it, got a bill from one with the old tax num­ber and from the oth­er one with the cor­rect tax num­ber, informed the phone com­pa­ny which used the old num­ber again, got again a bill with the wrong tax num­ber, informed them again, … until the phone com­pa­ny cut the line (pay­ing the bill while there is the wrong tax num­ber on it seems to cause big prob­lems lat­er in the tax/money han­dling chain).

So there a sev­er­al kinds of phone com­pa­nies here. Those which want to make busi­ness with cus­tomers (e.g. Ver­i­zon in LU), and those which do not (e.g. P&T in LU).

Let us wait and see when we get work­ing phone lines and from whom… 🙂

Rea­son for the env pass­ing prob­lem in CUPS

Today I had the time to have a look at the prob­lem I have to pass the val­ue of the GD_LIB vari­able from CUPS to ghost­script: CUPS is set­ting this vari­able on its own and thus over­rid­ing my setting. 🙁

It seems CUPS is not check­ing if I have my own GS_LIB vari­able and adding its own path to the already set one. That is bad.