OCP: Ora­cle Solaris 10 Sys­tem Administrator

After work­ing a long time with Solaris (I start­ed with 2.5.1 at about the time when Solaris 7 was released in 1998), my cur­rent boss decid­ed that it is time that I do a cer­ti­fi­ca­tion for it (clients like it). Two exams lat­er I have it now:

Since yes­ter­day I am offi­cial­ly an Ora­cle Cer­ti­fied Pro­fes­sion­al, Ora­cle Solaris 10 Sys­tem Admin­is­tra­tor.

The exam ques­tions where a bit strange. I asked myself if a real admin was proof read­ing them or not, but most prob­a­bly some­one with­out much knowl­edge about Solaris admin­is­tra­tion just took the study guides and tried to make some ques­tions out of it.

Any­way, my boss should be hap­py now, and I have some­thing to add to my CV.

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