Some fix­es to lin­ux­u­la­tor stuff

Today I fixed 3 lin­ux ports (con­vert­ing to the “new” world order) to not use RPM direct­ly (the right thing is to use rpm2cpio, and pro­vides some nice stuff to han­dle this).

In the last week I fixed some stuff in the linuxulator-MFC patch. It should now com­pile on amd64 and i386 with­out prob­lems (at least the code which I have local­ly). There’s one (strange) pan­ic report which I want to ana­lyze and fix (if it is lin­ux­u­la­tor relat­ed) with Roman before I update the patch on my site.

I fore­see nice improve­ments in the soundsystem

Ariffs changes two months ago to reduce the laten­cy in the soundsys­tem also pre­pared the way for mul­ti­chan­nel sup­port and Yuriy added mul­ti­chan­nel record­ing to the emu10kx dri­ver (there are some bugs ATM and it is only a proof of con­cept to play around with it until we get real mul­ti­chan­nel sup­port in the gener­ic sound code). Ryan tries to get some time (let’s cross fin­gers!) to con­vert a dri­ver (prob­a­bly the emu10kx dri­ver) to use the new mix­er infra­struc­ture before he has to con­cen­trate on his stud­ies again.

This looks like we could get some very nice stuff this year.

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