How big are the buffers in FreeB­SD drivers?

Today I have read an inter­est­ing inves­ti­ga­tion and prob­lem analy­sis from Jim Get­tys.

It is a set of arti­cles he wrote over sev­er­al months and is not fin­ished writ­ing as of this writ­ing (if you are deeply inter­est­ed in it go and read them, the most inter­est­ing ones are from Decem­ber and Jan­u­ary and the com­ments to the arti­cles are also con­tribut­ing to the big pic­ture). Basi­cal­ly he is telling that a lot of net­work prob­lems users at home (with ADSL/cable or WLAN) expe­ri­ence  are because buffers in the net­work hard­ware or in oper­at­ing sys­tems are too big. He also pro­pos­es workarounds until this prob­lem is attacked by OS ven­dors and equip­ment manufacturers.

Basi­cal­ly he is telling the net­work con­ges­tion algo­rithms can not do their work good, because the net­work buffers which are too big come into the way of their work (not report­ing pack­et loss time­ly enough respec­tive­ly try to not lose pack­ets in sit­u­a­tions where pack­et loss would be bet­ter because it would trig­ger action in the con­ges­tion algorithms).

He inves­ti­gat­ed the behav­ior of Lin­ux, OS X and Win­dows (the sys­tem he had avail­able). I want­ed to have a quick look at the sit­u­a­tion in FreeB­SD regard­ing this, but it seems at least with my net­work card I am not able to see/find the cor­re­spond­ing size of the buffers in dri­vers in 30 seconds.

I think it would be very good if this issue is inves­ti­gat­ed in FreeB­SD, and apart from maybe tak­ing some action in the source also write some sec­tion for the hand­book which explains the issue (one prob­lem here is, that there are sit­u­a­tions where you want/need to have such big buffers and as such we can not just down­size them) and how to bench­mark and tune this.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly I even have too much on my plate to even fur­ther look into this. 🙁 I hope one of the net­work peo­ple in FreeB­SD is pick­ing up the ball and starts playing.

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