Dai­ly doxy­gen gen­er­at­ed docs of the FreeB­SD ker­nel (head)

I man­aged to get some time to set­up an auto­mat­ed gen­er­a­tion of the doxy­gen docs for ker­nel sub­sys­tems of FreeB­SD on my webserver.

Every night/morning (Ger­man time­zone) the sources will be updat­ed, and the docs get regen­er­at­ed (this takes some time). Cur­rent­ly this depends upon some patch­es to the make­file and doxy­gen con­fig files in tools/kerneldoc/subsys. Every­thing is gen­er­at­ed direct­ly in the place where the web­serv­er will look for to deliv­er the pages, so if you browse this in the mid­dle of the gen­er­a­tion, the con­tent may not be con­sis­tent (yet).

Please be nice to the web­serv­er and do not mir­ror this. You can gen­er­ate this your­self very easy. Assum­ing you have the FreeB­SD source on a local hard disk, you just need to down­load the patch from http://www.Leidinger.net/FreeBSD/current-patches/ (if you do not find dox.diff, update your FreeB­SD sources and every­thing will be OK), apply the patch, cd into tools/kerneldoc/subsys and run “make all” (or “make vm” or what­ev­er you are inter­est­ed in). You need doxy­gen installed, off course.

If you want to set­up some­thing like this your­self, just down­load the script which is doing all the work, change some vari­ables in the begin­ning, and cre­ate your own local ver­sion of the com­plete docs.

In case this is using sig­nif­i­cant traf­fic, I will ask core/admins if there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty to host it on FreeBSD.org resources.

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