Try­ing to get some more soundsys­tem relat­ed progress

I start­ed a wiki page about improv­ing the soundsys­tem. The idea is sim­i­lar to the wiki page about improv­ing our lin­ux­o­la­tor. It’s a way to tell the peo­ple what is cur­rent­ly avail­able as patch­es (and where), what is bro­ken and needs to be fixed, which improve­ments we like to see and so on. It’s maybe also a good place to list docs for sound­chips. Cur­rent­ly the page about the soundsys­tem is a lit­tle bit low on con­tent. I hope a lot of peo­ple con­tribute with ideas, facts, sug­ges­tions, point­ers to help­ful stuff, (point­ers to) bugs, point­ing out lack of docs and so on (either by mod­i­fy­ing the page, or by mail­ing stuff to

With the lin­ux page I was able to gain some momen­tum and sev­er­al peo­ple are already help­ing with patch­es, run­ning tests and so on (even lit­tle help mat­ters). I hope the sound page will show a sim­i­lar benefit.

So dear read­er, do you play some music some­times? Do you play an instru­ment which can be con­nect­ed to some oth­er stuff (MIDI)? Do you use acrore­ad, skype, or some oth­er lin­ux soft­ware? If yes go to the wiki pages and read them please. When you’re fin­ished please donate 5 – 10 min­utes (I don’t mind if you sep­nd more) of your time and try to tell us at or about stuff you think could be lis­tet there (instead of smok­ing a cig­a­rette, argue­ing about bad behav­ior of peo­ple around you, or sim­i­lar neg­a­tive stuff). Thanks in advance and trust me, you will earn good kar­ma when you do this!

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