Video for lin­ux (v4l) emu­la­tion com­ing to the linuxulator

I am in the process of prepar­ing the import of code which makes v4l devices usable in the lin­ux­u­la­tor. Basi­cal­ly this means you can use your web­cam in skype (test­ed by the sub­mit­ter of the patch on amd64).

This is not a “apply patch and com­mit” thing, because the orig­i­nal videodev.h (with some mod­i­fi­ca­tions) is used. I was seek­ing the OK from core@ for this. As there is no license in the head­er, and the orig­i­nal author (Alan Cox, the lin­ux one, not our FreeB­SD one) gave per­mis­sions to use it, core@ is OK with the import.

I intent to do a ven­dor import of the lin­ux head­er (pre­pared today, togeth­er with some readme which explains where it comes from and some stuff to show that we are on the safe side regard­ing legal stuff), and then I want to copy this over to the lin­ux­u­la­tor as linux_videodev.h and com­mit the patch (prob­a­bly a lit­tle bit mod­i­fied in a few places). My plan is to com­mit it this week. Peo­ple which already want to play around with it now can have a look at the emu­la­tion mail­inglist, a link to the patch is post­ed there.

With the head­er being in a ven­dor branch, inter­est­ed peo­ple could then start to sub­mit new BSD licensed dri­vers or mod­i­fy exist­ing dri­vers which make use of the v4l inter­face, but I let the import of the head­er into the FreeB­SD include direc­to­ry up to the per­son which wants to com­mit the first native FreeBSD-v4l support.

When such native FreeBSD-v4l sup­port is com­mit­ted, the lin­ux­u­la­tor code needs to be revised.

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