A new linux-f10-pango port is ready

In the last days I took (and even had) the time to install a VM with Fedo­ra 10, updat­ed all the pack­ages after instal­la­tion, and cre­at­ed a new linux-f10-pango port (v 1.28.3). I did this because the port has a secu­ri­ty vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty accord­ing to our VuXML DB and there where more and more reports in the last months from users which had a prob­lem with this.

Dur­ing the update of the port I noticed that the port does not con­tain a FORBIDDEN entry, just por­tau­dit com­plains about it because there is an entry in the VuXML. That is not nice. I was told that the ports slush will be lift­ed soon (I need to bump some PORTRE­VI­SIONs), this means that I can com­mit the update prob­a­bly tomor­row, just in time when the new RPM should hit the FreeB­SD dis­tri­b­u­tion infra­struc­ture (MASTER_SITE_LOCAL is updat­ed once a day from a spe­cif­ic fold­er in our home directories).

Thanks to Luchesar V. ILIEV for the nice write­up of what to install in Fedo­ra 10 to be able to build RPMs, and the descrip­tion of how to build your own RPM.

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