v4l sup­port in the lin­ux­u­la­tor MFCed to 8‑stable

I merged the v4l trans­la­tion lay­er into the lin­ux­u­la­tor of 8‑stable. As in ‑cur­rent, this just means that lin­ux apps (like Skype) can now use FreeB­SD native devices which con­form to the v4l ABI. The port multimedia/webcamd pro­vides access to some web­cams (or DVB hard­ware) via the v4l ABI.

Peo­ple which want to test the lin­ux­u­la­tor part should first make sure a native FreeB­SD appli­ca­tion has no prob­lem access­ing the device.

The rea­son why this blog was not acces­si­ble to some people

I got noti­fied that my blog was not acces­si­ble for a while. Seems that at least recent fire­fox ver­sions some­how changed their behav­ior in what is send in the HTTP-header. This caused an Apache Redi­rect­Match rule to trig­ger, which denies access to some parts of the blog for some users.

The WP-login, WP-dashboard, and logged-in users where not affect­ed by this, so if you have some cus­tom rules which deny access to your blog, make sure you make a test of your blog when logged-out.