No good heat reser­voir available?

I was search­ing for a good heat reser­voir. Unfor­tu­nate­ly it seems that all on the marked are far from state of the art (they are prob­a­bly in their class, but see below).

Most of the devices use water to store the ener­gy. I found one (in Europe/Germany) which is using phase change tech­nol­o­gy instead of water to store more heat in the same stor­age place (but you need to ask how much it costs and how long they need to deliv­er, which prob­a­bly means that it is a lot more expen­sive (part­ly due to lim­it­ed amount of pro­duc­tion quan­ti­ty) than water based heat reser­voirs). I have read a lot about phase change mate­ri­als (PCM), and it seems there are dif­fer­ent kinds of sil­i­ca or wax (or oth­er mate­ri­als) which are bet­ter suit­ed to store heat ener­gy, but the only mass-market tech­nol­o­gy seems to be water based ones.

This looks strange to me. When I look at his­to­ry, oth­er mate­ri­als than water where already used a lot in the past (e.g. stones where heat­ed and then they were used in a press­ing iron or as some­thing which is replaced now by a hot-water bot­tle or an elec­tri­cal heat­ing cush­ion in the bed; yes, all this does not involve a change in the phys­i­cal state of the mate­r­i­al, but the point is that oth­er mate­ri­als than water where already used in the past), so I do not under­stand what is pre­vent­ing to let PCM based heat reser­voirs going mainstream.

Except for choos­ing the right PCM and obtain­ing it, it does not look hard to build such a heat reser­voir. You can add a heat-exchanger in the bot­tom and feed solar-power there for long-term heat­ing the PCM, anoth­er heat-exchanger at the top to heat the use-water and/or heating-water from the heat stored in the PCM, and a 3rd heat-exchanger (placed at the top too) which you con­nect to your central-heating if you need a lit­tle bit of quick short-term heat­ing of the PCM. I do not know if you need to add some  heat-layers (e.g. by putting a big cheat of a non-PCM mate­r­i­al between the long-term heat­ing part and the short-term heat­ing part), but  it should be easy to test if some­thing like this is ben­e­fi­cial or not. If you have a fire­place which you want to con­nect to the long-term heat­ing of the PCM, it may also be ben­e­fi­cial to have a 4th heat-exchanger togeth­er with the solar-one, but maybe there is anoth­er solu­tion to do this with the 3‑heat-exchangers-setup (I have not inves­ti­gat­ed this pos­si­bil­i­ty at all).

If some­one knows some inter­est­ing prod­ucts in Europe or has some help­ful infor­ma­tion (any­thing which can be inte­grat­ed into exist­ing heat­ing sys­tems with­out much ren­o­va­tion of a lot of rooms), please write a comment.

Mul­ti­me­dia opti­mized net­work card

I am tired of bad net­work cards on main­boards. Can someome who knows a mar­ket­ing guy of a main­board man­u­fac­tur­er please please tell them to inte­grate a good net­work card (Intel ones comes to my mind, but oth­er non-RealTec ones are not bad either… if an Intel one is not pos­si­ble at all)? They just need to sell those main­boards as gam­ing and/or mul­ti­me­dia optimized:

  • a good net­work card trans­fers more data per sec­ond (even while the CPU is used much)
  • a good net­work card does not take much CPU (good DMA engine and some IP-stuff-in-hardware features)

Sim­i­lar things can be told about good/bad SATA con­trollers and USB con­trollers. If done right, they affect the sys­tem less and/or per­form bet­ter than not so good parts.

Yes, most of this does not affect gam­ing in a sig­nif­i­cant way, but a lot of oth­er hard­ware gamers buy does not affect the gam­ing significantly.

The point is, that they are will­ing to give more mon­ey to get some­thing bet­ter. So please, give them the pos­si­bil­i­ty to pay a lit­tle bit more for good qual­i­ty so that good stuff will go mainstream.

And do not under­es­ti­mate the pow­er of mouth-to-mouth mar­ket­ing. If you pro­duce some­thing bet­ter than oth­er com­pa­nies for a fair price (no need to play the we-are-the-cheapest game, just take care to not be the most expen­sive one), it will be bought.

BTW: This is sim­i­lar to the mar­ket­ing with good capac­i­tors, just on an IT instead of an elec­tri­cal level.

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