Sum­ma­ry of the last days

Not much hap­pened in the last days. I talked with my SoC 2006 stu­dents and helped them a lit­tle bit with knowl­edge and test­ing. I also did com­mit some fix­es for the envy24 dri­ver to current.

ATM I have some hol­i­days. So I think I should get some more time do to some stuff in FreeB­SD… at least when it stays rainy and I’m able to find some new fur­ni­ture for the liv­ing room soon (either it’s com­fort­able, or it does look good; in case it is com­fort­able and does look good, it’s either not avail­able in the con­fig­u­ra­tion you want, or it is at least 3 times more expen­sive than you are will­ing to spend… sigh).

On my TODO list is to com­mit is “sade”, the break out of the fdisk and diskla­bel edi­tor in sysin­stall. I have patch­es for this, but need to fix-up a lit­tle part before I can com­mit it. After that sysin­stall can be replaced with some­thing else, and we still have the nice curs­es fron­tend for disk par­ti­tion­ing avail­able. Anoth­er TODO item is to give a low­er pri­or­i­ty to the emu10k1 dri­ver, so that the emu10kx dri­ver has prece­dence in all cas­es. And there are some easy patch­es in some PRs I want to deal with.

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