USB PR shooting

I did shoot down some USB relat­ed PR’s today. We have now sup­port for more devices in uscan­ner, umo­dem and one new PDA in uvi­sor. Addi­tion­al­ly all peo­ple which use the con­troller of a XBOX 360 will now notice that the LEDs on them stop blink­ing, when the uhid dri­ver attach­es to it (like on the XBOX 360).

This affects ‑cur­rent and ‑sta­ble.

A lit­tle bit of cleanup

I com­mit­ted a lit­tle bit of cleanup / some XXX com­ments to the soundsys­tem, extend­ed the linux(4) man page a lit­tle bit and removed some alpha spe­cif­ic sec­tion 4 man pages which where over­looked at the time alpha was removed from current.

I think I will enjoy the sun in the back­yard a lit­tle bit now… 😎

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