Some updates (kernel/ports)

There was not much to tell in the last months. I was busy with mov­ing and the preg­nan­cy of my wife (ok, she was more busy with this than I was…).

So the recent updates are, that I took some time to com­mit some of my patch­es to SVN. Most of them are in my SVN user area in var­i­ous branch­es. The inter­est­ing ones may be desk­jail and lin­ux­aio. The first one allows to run your desk­top in a jail. The sec­ond one gives async I/O for the linuxulator.

There’s also some oth­er stuff. Feel free to have a look.

It also seems that the we may see the Fedo­ra 8 infra­struc­ture land­ing in the ports col­lec­tion “soon”. I have the impres­sion that Boris just waits for the com­plete unfreeze of the ports col­lec­tion. The last patch I’ve reviewed looked very good. There are some loose ends, like switch­ing it on as the default lin­ux base for FreeBSD-current for exam­ple, but those are things which I pre­fer to do lat­er than in the same com­mit. First let it be there for a while and let curi­ous users test it a lit­tle bit more. If every­thing is ok, we can switch the default lin­ux base to F8 in ‑cur­rent.

Native RealPlay­er for FreeBSD

Some days ago I got approval from Real, I’m allowed to blog about the native FreeB­SD RealPlay­er. Now I get time to blog about it.

Ok, there’s not much to say about it so far. Some peo­ple in the FreeB­SD com­mu­ni­ty (among them 2 com­mit­ters, guess who is one of them…) are help­ing Real to get it up and run­ning on FreeB­SD. The FreeB­SD build machine is set­up and some build logs are already gen­er­at­ed. Some minor prob­lems where iden­ti­fied (miss­ing soft­ware which can be installed out of the ports, some minor issues in the build sys­tem and some oth­er easy to fix stuff I don’t remem­ber ATM) in a first round of log-review.

This reminds me that I should have a look if there are some new logs. Maybe I get time at the week­end. Let’s hope I don’t for­get about it… 😉

lin­ux­o­la­tor day

A hap­py wel­come to Boris Samorodov to the ports com­mit­ters team (I’m his men­tor). This means I don’t have the bur­den to take care of the lin­ux­o­la­tor infra­struc­ture in the Ports Col­lec­tion alone any­more. Yeah!

Today I com­mit­ted anoth­er part of Roman’s work in the lin­ux­o­la­tor SoC. Now we should get log mes­sages for the new miss­ing syscalls for real. We defin­i­tive­ly need high lev­el overview doc­u­ments for subsystems.

The new default lin­ux base: FC4

Port­m­gr com­mit­ted the switch to the new default lin­ux base port yes­ter­day. After return­ing home from work I com­mit­ted the cor­re­spond­ing UPDATING entry.

Today I marked all unmaintained/old lin­ux base ports as dep­re­cat­ed (some are marked because they are EOL, some are marked because of bitrod). I use a expi­ra­tion time of about 3 months. So while there’s plen­ty of time to update, you should do it now.