Google’s new RE engine

I stum­bled over Google’s new RE engine. Unfor­tu­nate­ly it is not han­dling back­ref­er­ences, so it is not a drop-in replace­ment for the reg­u­lar expres­sions code in FreeB­SD. It has a POSIX mode, but this only seems to be enough for the egrep syn­tax. For peo­ple which need back­ref­er­ences, they refer to the Google Chrome’s RE engine irreg­exp which in turn ref­er­ences a paper from 2007 which is titled Reg­u­lar Expres­sion Match­ing Can Be Sim­ple And Fast.

The tech­niques in the paper can not be applied to the irreg­exp engine, but maybe could help to speed up awk, egrep and sim­i­lar programs.

I think it would be inter­est­ing to com­pare those recent devel­op­ments to what we have in FreeB­SD, and if they are faster, to see if it is pos­si­ble to improve the FreeB­SD imple­men­ta­tion based upon them (either by writ­ing new code, or by import­ing exist­ing code, depend­ing on the cor­re­spond­ing license and the lan­guage the code is writ­ten in).

Maybe a can­di­date for the GSoC?

Back from hol­i­day: mail-stats

After two weeks of hol­i­day I have about 5.400 emails (about 51 MB, down­loaded and fil­tered in 3h). Split up this is:

  • 2763 from FreeB­SD mailinglists
  • 320 SPAM (101 false pos­i­tives, most­ly FreeB­SD relat­ed… I should have a look at this and take appro­pri­ate actions)
  • 115 in the nor­mal inbox = per­son­al + not fil­tered emails (18 false neg­a­tive SPAM)
  • 16 post­mas­ter relat­ed, e.g. bounces from forged SPAM, 4 of them are not SPAM bounces but valid mails…
  • 114 secu­ri­ty relat­ed (Bug­traq, …)
  • 220 sta­tus mes­sages (e.g. FreeB­SD peri­od­ic mails from var­i­ous systems)
  • the rest is var­i­ous oth­er (fil­tered away) mails

It will take a while until I had a look at them…

Blog moved to my own website

I took the time to move the blog to my own web­site. I can now post stuff which is not relat­ed to FreeB­SD, and I do not use the resources of the project for this any­more. It also allows me to install a theme I like more, and I can install plu­g­ins like I want.
Now I just have to find the cause of some strange stuff I see. After import­ing my data from the FreeB­S­Dish blog, the perma­links do not work like I want, I have to use the ugly default way of han­dling perma­links. I also have to write this post with­out see­ing what I type, the edi­tor is dis­play­ing white text on a white background…

Sta­tus of the RealPlay­er stuff

Shaun had some unre­lat­ed soft­ware prob­lems so he was­n’t able to do the paper­work request­ed by Real. Those prob­lems seem to be fixed and he expects to get some time to do the paper­work “soon”. Real is look­ing for­ward to this as the FreeB­SD build is much bet­ter now.

Sum­ma­ry of the last days

Not much hap­pened in the last days. I talked with my SoC 2006 stu­dents and helped them a lit­tle bit with knowl­edge and test­ing. I also did com­mit some fix­es for the envy24 dri­ver to current.

ATM I have some hol­i­days. So I think I should get some more time do to some stuff in FreeB­SD… at least when it stays rainy and I’m able to find some new fur­ni­ture for the liv­ing room soon (either it’s com­fort­able, or it does look good; in case it is com­fort­able and does look good, it’s either not avail­able in the con­fig­u­ra­tion you want, or it is at least 3 times more expen­sive than you are will­ing to spend… sigh).

On my TODO list is to com­mit is “sade”, the break out of the fdisk and diskla­bel edi­tor in sysin­stall. I have patch­es for this, but need to fix-up a lit­tle part before I can com­mit it. After that sysin­stall can be replaced with some­thing else, and we still have the nice curs­es fron­tend for disk par­ti­tion­ing avail­able. Anoth­er TODO item is to give a low­er pri­or­i­ty to the emu10k1 dri­ver, so that the emu10kx dri­ver has prece­dence in all cas­es. And there are some easy patch­es in some PRs I want to deal with.

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