Solaris: script to check var­i­ous set­tings of a sys­tem if they com­ply to some pre-defined settings


If you set­up a sys­tem, you want to make sure that it com­plies to a pre-defined con­fig. You can do that with some con­fig­u­ra­tion man­age­ment sys­tem, but there are cas­es where it use­ful to do that out­side of this context.


The shell script below I start­ed to write in 2008. Over time (until 2016) it extend­ed into some­thing which is able to out­put a report of over 1000 items. You can con­fig­ure it via ${HOME}/.check_host.cfg and /etc/check_host.cfg (it reads both in this order, first con­fig wins and oth­er con­fig is not read). You can use option “-h” to see the usage text. Option “-n” sup­press­es mes­sages which help to fix issues, “-a” prints out sim­ple HTML instead of text.

Solaris: script to cre­ate com­mands to set­up LDOMs based upon out­put from “ldm ls”


You have a LDOM which you want to clone to some­where else and all you have to per­form that is the ldm com­mand on the tar­get system.


Down­load the AWK script below. Use the out­put of “ldm ls ‑l ‑p <ldom>” as the input of this AWK script. The out­put will be a list of com­mands to re-create the con­fig for VDS, VDISK, VSW and NETWORK.

I wrote this in 2013, so changes to the out­put of “ldm ls” since then are not account­ed for.

Win­dows: remove one item from filesys­tem ACL

Pow­er­Shell snip­pets to remove a group/user from a filesys­tem ACL in Win­dows (and com­pare how to do it in Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris).


There may be a fold­er (with bro­ken inher­i­tance) with files / direc­to­ries where you want to make sure that there is no spe­cif­ic group / item included.


Here are some Pow­er­Shell snip­pets to solve this.

Pop­u­late $fold­ers with all direc­to­ries in the cur­rent directory:

$folders =  get-childitem . -directory

To test with one folder:

$folders = "X:\path\to\folder"

Pow­er­Shell to list fold­ers with BUILTIN\Users in the ACL (to see which item will be affected):

foreach ($dir in $folders) { $value = get-acl $dir | Select-object -ExpandProperty Access | where { $_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | Select -Expand IdentityReference; if ($value) {echo $dir} }

Print ACL of before and “to be” after removal (but not remov­ing anything):

foreach ($item in $folders) { $value = get-acl $item | Select-object -ExpandProperty Access | where { $_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | Select -Expand IdentityReference; if ($value) {echo $item; $ACL = (get-item $item).getAccessControl('Access'); $ACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $true); echo $ACL |Select-object -ExpandProperty Access; $ACL = (get-item $item).getAccessControl('Access'); $ACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} |%{$acl.RemoveAccessRule($_)}; echo $ACL |Select-object -ExpandProperty Access } }

Set the ACL (dis­able inher­i­tance (con­vert cur­rent set­tings to explic­it ACL) and remove BUILTIN\Users):

foreach ($item in $folders) { $value = get-acl $item | Select-object -ExpandProperty Access | where { $_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | Select -Expand IdentityReference; if ($value) {echo $item; $ACL = (get-item $item).getAccessControl('Access'); $ACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $true); Set-Acl -Path $item -AclObject $ACL; $ACL = (get-item $item).getAccessControl('Access'); $ACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} |%{$acl.RemoveAccessRule($_)}; Set-Acl -Path $item -AclObject $ACL } }

How would this be solved in Solaris?

setfacl -d <entry> *

How would this be solved in FreeBSD/Linux?

setfacl -x <entry> *