Self-signed cer­tifi­cates and LDAPS (OpenL­DAP) in PHP (or python)

This is not about how to gen­er­ate a self-signed cer­tifi­cate, this is about how to con­fig­ure an ldap client to con­nect secure­ly to a ldap serv­er which has a self-signed certificate.

Recent­ly I was search­ing a lot how to make this kind of set­up work, but it seems nobody is using the key­words of the head­line in their HOW­TOs, or every­one is not real­ly set­ting up a real­ly secure con­nec­tion with self-signed cer­tifi­cates. As such here my try to doc­u­ment this for those which are inter­est­ed in a secure setup.

How OpenL­DAP is check­ing the cer­tifi­cates normally

OpenL­DAP is using the cer­tifi­cate store which is con­fig­ured for OpenSSL. So any cer­tifi­cate which is signed by one of the CAs in the OpenSSL cert-ctore are trusted.

Secure set­up

Most of the time you do not expose an LDAP serv­er to the out­side where a cer­tifi­cate from one of the trusted-by-default CAs is need­ed. A cer­tifi­cate from your inter­nal CA is enough, and in some cas­es a self-signed cer­tifi­cate is suf­fi­cient too.

An easy solu­tion could be to add either the root-certificate of your CA or the self-signed cer­tifi­cate into the trust-store of OpenSSL (not every OS / dis­tri­b­u­tion has this in the same loca­tion, you have to check where this is for your OS, for FreeB­SD 13+ this is /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/, see also certctl(8) there). But this would mean you trust the cer­ti­ti­fa­cate which you put there addi­tion­al­ly to the default cer­tifi­cates (mod­u­lo any black­list­ing you made your­self). The­o­ret­i­cal­ly this means any­one who is able to get hold of a cer­tifi­cate from a public-CA for your LDAP serv­er, could per­form a man-in-the-middle attack (you need to con­sid­er your­self how fea­si­ble this is in your infra­struc­ture set­up and how like­ly this is to happen).

More secure operation

Let’s say you run a ser­vice which needs to be able to make TLS ses­sions to sys­tems which use cer­tifi­cates from pub­lic CAs and you want to make sure a con­nec­tion to the LDAP back­end can not use cer­tifi­cates from pub­lic CAs.

To tight­en the set­up in this case, you need to spec­i­fy that the client which uses OpenLDAP-client libraries is using a dif­fer­ent trust-store for the cer­tifcate validation.

For the openl­dap client util­i­ties there is a glob­al con­fig file for this (on FreeB­SD this is /usr/local/etc/openldap/ldap.conf). For oth­er tools, like PHP, this needs to be done in the per-user con­fig file ~/.ldaprc. Both file have the same syntax.

With php-ldap you nor­mal­ly run the ser­vice either in php-fpm or in an apache-php-module. In both cas­es the process which runs is con­fig­ured to run as a non-root user which may or may not have a home direc­to­ry (in FreeB­SD the www user which is typ­i­cal­ly used for that has no home directory).


  1. cre­ate a home directory
  2. cre­ate a sep­a­rate trust-store for LDAP
  3. con­fig­ure php-ldap / py-ldap to make use of the sep­a­rate trust-store

Step 1 – cre­ate a home directory

Chose a place which is suit­able, and cre­ate a direc­to­ry there. It does­n’t need to be in /home, it can be any­where. The impor­tant part is, that it is read­able by the user which runs the appli­ca­tion which is using php-ldap. It does not need to be writable by this user. In there you need to cre­ate the .ldaprc file (again, needs only be read­able by the user) with the con­tent from step 3.

Step 2 – cre­ate a sep­a­rate trust-store for LDAP

In FreeB­SD the glob­al ldap con­fig is in /usr/local/etc/openldap/ldap.conf. The­o­ret­i­cal­ly you can put the trust-store for LDAP in any place wou want. In my set­up I con­sid­er it to belong into /usr/local/etc/openldap/ssl/. So make a direc­to­ry – like /usr/local/etc/openldap/ssl – for the trust-store, and copy the cer­tifi­cate of the LDAP serv­er there.

Atten­tion! Only the pub­lic cer­tifi­cate, not the pri­vate key! If you only have one file on the serv­er for this, it is the com­bined key+certificate (if you don’t know or are able to deduct by look­ing into the file how to get rid of the key… there is a lot of info out there in the WWW which explains it). The direc­to­ry and the cer­tifi­cate need to be acces­si­ble (read for the file, exe­cute for the direc­to­ry) by any user which shall make use of this. It does not hurt to have it acces­si­ble by every­one (you made sure there is not the private-key from the serv­er, right?).

Step 3 – con­fig­ure php-ldap / py-ldap to make use of the sep­a­rate trust-store

If you use php-fpm, you need to con­fig­ure a home direc­to­ry in the FPM pool con­fig­ure­ation sec­tion. As already said above, it does not need to be inside /home, but it dpends upon your needs. Here in this exam­ple let me use /home. The FPM con­fig line to add is then some­thing like:
env[HOME] = /home/php-fpm
You could achieve the same via chang­ing the home direc­to­ry in the pass­word data­base, but this would have an effect on all process­es run with this user, where­as here it is just for the php-fpm process­es (and childs).

If you use apache instead of php-fpm, you need to con­fig­ure some­thing sim­i­lar for the cor­re­spond­ing vir­tu­al host:
SetEnv HOME /home/php-fpm

With this you can now con­fig­ure /home/php-fpm/.ldaprc to point to the LDAP trust-store:
TLS_CACERT /usr/local/etc/openldap/ssl/ldap_server_cert.pem
TLS_CACERTDIR /usr/local/etc/openldap/ssl

If you use some python based appli­ca­tion, you have to do some­thing sim­i­lar… if all else fails, it needs to be via a real home direc­to­ry in the pass­word database.

If you want to use the ldap client tools with any user, you need to add those lines to the /usr/local/etc/openldap/ldap.conf file too (there you can also set the default BASE – e.g. “BASE dc=example,dc=com” – and URI – e.g. “URI ldaps://″).

After restart­ing php-fpm or apache, you should now be able to make real­ly secure con­nec­tions to the ldap server.

Some impor­tant things

  • Every time you change the cer­tifi­cate of the LDAP serv­er, you need to update the cer­ti­facte in the clients.
  • There are two TLS modes for the LDAP serv­er, one is “ldaps”, and one is “ldap+starttls”. If you have your LDAP serv­er run­ning in ldaps-mode (typ­i­cal­ly on port 639), you do not need to spec­i­fy in your php-ldap using appli­ca­tion to enable TLS (which is doing a start­tls after con­nect­ing… typ­i­cal­ly on port 389), but you need to spec­i­fy “ldaps://servername:639” (assum­ing it runs on port 639) instead of just “server­name” at the place in your appli­ca­tion where you are told to enter the serv­er name. For py-ldap I have checked just one appli­ca­tion (net­da­ta), and there TLS needs to be enabled, and the serv­er name has to be with­out “ldaps://” as net­da­ta is pre­fix­ing the “ldaps://” itself if tls is enabled.
  • Some places in the inter­net are telling to add “TLS_REQCERT nev­er” into ldap.conf / .ldaprc. Tech­ni­cal­ly this is not need­ed. Depend­ing on your point of view this can either be good or bad (spec­i­fy­ing it saves some CPU cycles on the serv­er and the client, and some trans­fer time over the net­work – not spec­i­fy­ing it allows to val­i­date the cer­tifi­cat­ed received to be com­pared to the cer­tifcate being avail­able local­ly, but I do not know if OpenL­DAP is doing this, nor did I spend some time to eval­u­ate if this improves secu­ri­ty (if the impor­tant parts of the cer­tifi­cate are out-of-sync, the con­nec­tion will fail)).