Show­ing off some numbers…

At work we have some per­for­mance problems.

One appli­ca­tion (not off-the-shelf soft­ware) is not per­form­ing good. The prob­lem is that the design of the appli­ca­tion is far from good (auto-commit is used, and the Ora­cle DB is doing too much writes for what the appli­ca­tion is sup­posed to do because of this). Dur­ing help­ing our DBAs in their per­for­mance analy­sis (the ven­dor of the appli­ca­tion is telling our hard­ware is not fast enough and I had to pro­vide some num­bers to show that this is not the case and they need to improve the soft­ware as it does not com­ply to the per­for­mance require­ments they got before devel­op­ing the appli­ca­tion) I noticed that the filesys­tem where the DB and the appli­ca­tion are locat­ed (a ZFS if some­one is inter­est­ed) is doing some­times 1.200 IO (write) oper­a­tions per sec­ond (to write about 100 MB). Yeah, that is a lot of IOops our SAN is able to do! Unfor­tu­nate­ly too expen­sive to buy for use at home. 🙁

Anoth­er appli­ca­tion (nagios 3.0) was gen­er­at­ing a lot of major faults (caused by a lot of fork()s for the checks). It is a Sun­Fire V890, and the high­est num­ber of MF per sec­ond I have seen on this machine was about 27.000. It nev­er went below 10.000. On aver­age maybe some­where between 15.000 and 20.000. My Solaris-Desktop (an Ultra 20) is gen­er­at­ing maybe sev­er­al hun­dred MF if a lot is going on (most of the time is does not gen­er­ate much). Nobody can say the V890 is not used… 🙂 Oh, yes, I sug­gest­ed to enable the nagios con­fig set­ting for large sites, now the major faults are around 0−10.000 and the machine is not that stressed any­more. The next step is prob­a­bly to have a look at the ancient probes (migrat­ed from the big broth­er set­up which was there sev­er­al years before) and reduce the num­ber of forks they do.

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