Increase of DNS requests after a crit­i­cal patch update of Solaris 10

Some weeks ago we installed crit­i­cal patch updates (CPU) on a Solaris 10 sys­tem (inter­nal sys­tem, a year of CPU to install, noth­ing in it affect­ing us or was con­sid­ered a secu­ri­ty risk, we decid­ed to apply this one regard­less to not fall behind too much). After­wards we noticed that two zones are doing a lot of DNS requests. We noticed this already before the zones went into pro­duc­tion and we con­fig­ured a pos­i­tive time to live in nscd.conf for “hosts”. Addi­tion­al­ly we noticed a lot of DNS requests for IPv6 address­es (AAAA lookups), while absolute­ly no IPv6 address is con­fig­ured in the zones (not even for local­host… and those are exclu­sive IP zones). Appar­ent­ly with one of the patch­es in the CPU the behav­iour changed regard­ing the caching, I am not sure if we had the AAAA lookups before.

Today I got some time to debug this. After adding caching of “ipn­odes” in addi­tion to “hosts” (and I con­fig­ured a neg­a­tive time to live for both at the same time), the DNS requests came down to a sane amount.

For the AAAA lookups I have not found a solu­tion. By my read­ing of the doc­u­men­ta­tion I would assume there are not IPv6 DNS lookups if there is not IPv6 address configured.

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