Try it with a bug-report to Syn­ol­o­gy, or install a dif­fer­ent DLNA (upnp-av) serv­er on it. What is dis­played in this post­ing are not real­ly MIME types (they are not detailed enough), the most impor­tant parts here are DLNA or upnp-av types. The DLNA serv­er on your NAS needs to be able to under­stand the types the TV requests.

What I try to do is to find the right for­mats the TV is able to play, and a DLNA serv­er which is deliv­er­ing this with­out transcod­ing or re-encoding. The ratio­nale is, that if I take a DVD and gen­er­ate a file for stream­ing to my TV any­way, I want to have the right for­mat direct­ly, this way the DLNA serv­er does not need to spend ener­gy to gen­er­ate the right for­mat each time the file is watched.
