Hav­ing final­ly added net/minidlna to our ports col­lec­tion, I’m try­ing to fig­ure out my own Sony TV, and – based on your expe­ri­ence – tried con­vert­ing a few of my videos into .mpg for­mat (mpegts) using a Make­file like this:

.SUFFIXES: .mpg .mkv .avi .flv .wmv .mp4

VPATH= /green/movies

FFMPEG_ARGS= ‑f mpegts ‑sameq ‑vb 4096k \
‑r 25 ‑ac 2 ‑ar 48000 ‑ab 192k \
‑async 2 ‑threads 2

ffm­peg ‑i “$Video->DLNA server->All videos).

I’m now try­ing to redo them with an explic­it flag ‑s hd1080 (size 1920×1080) to see, what happens…

Mean­while, I won­der, what does YOUR TV “say”, when it does not like a video-file. Does the file even appear on the list – to be reject­ed as “invalid” later?
