1. FreeNAS is not “mov­ing to Lin­ux” – yes there’s a new project core­NAS that will. But I hope any­one who decides to change under­ly­ing plat­forms to use Lin­ux is doing so for more rea­sons than just the sen­sor frame­work. Any­way core­NAS will be one of dozens of Lin­ux NAS projects. We use FreeNAS specif­i­cal­ly to lever­age FreeB­SD stor­age tech­nolo­gies (gjour­nal, isc­si, zfs) and have learned enough through cus­tomiza­tion that we will just stick with FreeB­SD if FreeNAS ever goes away (and right now it is not).

2. PHK is not just “some elit­ist com­mit­ter”, sheesh. If PHK has con­cerns about impact on the ker­nel we should stop and lis­ten – his vote gives him the abil­i­ty to make peo­ple stop and lis­ten. He might be a bit Dan­ish in his direct­ness but not every­one can be the diplo­mat a la RWat­son. PHK was giv­en his vote for a rea­son so there’s no rea­son for acri­mo­ny. Whats more he is not the only per­son who has prob­lems with the OpenB­SD sen­sor frame­work. It’s not 100% loved amongst OpenB­SD devs and users (using it for RAID is going to be a problem). 

3. It’s great that con­stan­tine and alex did this work. If it is tru­ly “non-disruptive” and can be sep­a­rat­ed from the ker­nel then why not just main­tain it as a port/patch. Lots of ports of things that nev­er make it into the ker­nel live on and do all kinds of stuff like build­ing cus­tom ker­nel mod­ules and user space tools for man­ag­ing them­selves. If the sen­sors frame­work can’t do that then per­haps it is too dis­rup­tive to include by default. 

I bet if you main­tain a patch on CURRENT tar­get­ting 9.0 and lots of peo­ple will try it.

4. it might not seem like it but it’s still ear­ly days … 🙂