Lin­ux­u­la­tor news

Today I com­mit­ted the updat­ed lin­ux aio stuff to p4. It’s a mod­ule now, so it can be loaded as need­ed. I also updat­ed the p4 diff in the wiki, so any­one can down­load and test it (please do it!).

Major fea­tures in the p4 diff are futex­es and TLS for amd64. So if you own an amd64 sys­tem please down­load the patch and give it a try. I’m inter­est­ed in reports for linux-firefox, skype, realplay­er and acrore­ad on amd64.

There’s one known bug with the mmap behav­ior on amd64 (even in cur­rent). I don’t know if this only affects the LTP tests or real world appli­ca­tions, but because there’s much time between the mmap com­mits and the report, I think it’s only a prob­lem for the regres­sion tests and not a prob­lem which shows up in typ­i­cal usage scenarios.

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