Leidinger's bookmarks: Security

Directory index: Computer: Security
IDS  (6) 

What Hits Description
Access Control Designer    2  Who points to it?   
Book: Applied Cryptography    0  Who points to it?  Amazon.de partner program link 
Book: Building Secure Software    2  Who points to it?  Amazon.de partner program link 
Book: Practical Cryptography    0  Who points to it?  Amazon.de partner program link 
Book: Practical UNIX & Internet Security    1  Who points to it?  Amazon.de partner program link 
Book: Secrets and Lies    1  Who points to it?  Amazon.de partner program link 
CERT® Coordination Center    2  Who points to it?   
CHRSH    2  Who points to it?  A chroot jail wrapper for ordinary Unix shells 
Chaos Computer Club e.V.    2  Who points to it?  German 
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures    2  Who points to it?   
Counterpane: Log Analysis Resources    4  Who points to it?   
Creating Your Own CA    2  Who points to it?   
DShield    2  Who points to it?  Distributed Intrusion Detection System 
Enhancing E-Mail Security With Procmail    1  Who points to it?   
F.I.R.E.    1  Who points to it?  Forensic and Incident Response Environment Bootable CD 
FreeBSD as a RAS for WIN2K and others IPSEC road warriors    2  Who points to it?   
IP Filter - TCP/IP Packet Filtering package    2  Who points to it?   
IPFC    2  Who points to it?  A generic framework for managing and monitoring multiple security modules 
Linux IP firewall and accounting    2  Who points to it?   
LocalAreaSecurity.com :: Home of L.A.S. Linux    2  Who points to it?   
NMap    2  Who points to it?  Portscanner 
OpenVPN    2  Who points to it?  An Open Source VPN Solution 
PIKT    2  Who points to it?   
Phrack Webpage    2  Who points to it?   
Psionic.net    2  Who points to it?  Portsentry, Logcheck, ... 
Remote Control of UNIX Netscape    2  Who points to it?   
SANS    2  Who points to it?  System Administration, Networking, and Security Institute 
SARA    2  Who points to it?  Security Auditor's Research Assistant 
SRP    1  Who points to it?  Secure Remote Password protocol 
SSLWrap    1  Who points to it?   
Saint    2  Who points to it?   
Security Site    1  Who points to it?   
Sudo    2  Who points to it?   
Systrace    1  Who points to it?  Interactive Policy Generation for System Calls 
The Crypto Gardening Guide and Planting Tips    0  Who points to it?   
Top 75 Network Security Tools    2  Who points to it?   
VNcrypt    1  Who points to it?  Encrypted FS on FreeBSD 
dtype.org    2  Who points to it?  PGP/GPG Keyring analysis 
information security    1  Who points to it?   
rootshell.com    1  Who points to it?   
s e c u r i t y f o c u s    2  Who points to it?   
scponly    1  Who points to it?   

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I'm not responsible for any information you get by following one of these listed links. Any complains have to go to the owners of these pages, not to me. These links do neither necessary represent my prefered point of view nor represent my tenor.

Questions, critics and bugfixes to: Alexander+Links@Leidinger.net