Leidinger's bookmarks: Webresources

Directory index: Computer: Programing: Webresources

What Hits Description
TPJ Magazine    2  Who points to it?   
DevX Tech Tips    1  Who points to it?   
DevX Source Code Library    2  Who points to it?   
Gamasutra    2  Who points to it?  The Art & Science of Making Games 
GameDev.net    2  Who points to it?   
DevHelp    2  Who points to it?  Documentation viewer 
Codingstyle.com    19  Who points to it?  Slashdot 
C/C++ Users Journal    1  Who points to it?   
Programmers' Heaven    2  Who points to it?   
Reverse engineering links    2  Who points to it?  There's also a commercial source reverse engineering, metrics and documentation tool for C/C++. 
Planet Sourcecode    2  Who points to it?   
The Programmer's File Format Collection    1  Who points to it?   
Martin Fowler    2  Who points to it?   
Game AI    1  Who points to it?   
Collected Algorithms of the ACM    0  Who points to it?   
Introduction: Graphical User Interface Development with Glade2    2  Who points to it?   
Game Innovation Database    0  Who points to it?   

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I'm not responsible for any information you get by following one of these listed links. Any complains have to go to the owners of these pages, not to me. These links do neither necessary represent my prefered point of view nor represent my tenor.

Questions, critics and bugfixes to: Alexander+Links@Leidinger.net