iocage: HOWTO cre­ate a base­jail from src (instead of from an offi­cial release)


So far I have used ezjail to man­age FreeB­SD jails. I use jails since years to have dif­fer­ent parts of a soft­ware stack in some kind of a con­tain­er (in a ZFS dataset for the filesys­tem side of the con­tain­er). On one hand to not let depen­den­cies of one part of the soft­ware stack have influ­ence of oth­er parts of the soft­ware stack. On the oth­er hand to have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to move parts of the soft­ware stack to a dif­fer­ent sys­tem if nec­es­sary. Nor­mal­ly I run ‑sta­ble or ‑cur­rent or more gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, a self-compiled FreeB­SD on those sys­tems. In ezjail I like the fact that all jails on a sys­tem have one com­mon base­jail under­ly­ing, so that I update one place for the user­land and all jails get the updat­ed code.

Since a while I heard good things about iocage and how it inte­grates ZFS, so I decid­ed to give it a try myself. As iocage does not come with an offi­cial way of cre­at­ing a base­jail (respec­tive­ly a release) from a self-compiled FreeB­SD (at least doc­u­ment­ed in those places I looked, and yes, I am aware that I can cre­ate a FreeB­SD release myself and use it, but I do not like to have to cre­ate a release addi­tion­al­ly to the build­world I use to update the host sys­tem) here now the short HOWTO achieve this.


In the fol­low­ing I assume the iocage ZFS parts are already cre­at­ed in dataset ${POOLNAME}/iocage which is mount­ed on ${IOCAGE_BASE}/iocage. Addi­tion­al­ly the build­world in /usr/src (or wher­ev­er you have the FreeB­SD source) should be finished.


To have the nec­es­sary dataset-infrastructure cre­at­ed for own basejails/releases, at least one offi­cial release needs to be fetched before. So run the com­mand below (if there is no ${IOCAGE_BASE}/iocage/releases direc­to­ry) and fol­low the on-screen instructions.

iocage fetch


Some vari­ables:

SRC_REV=r$(cd /usr/src; svnliteversion)

Cre­at­ing the iocage basejail-datasets for this ${SRC_REV}:

zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/bin
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/boot
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/lib
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/libexec
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/rescue
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/sbin
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/bin
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/include
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/lib
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/lib32
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/libdata
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/libexec
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/sbin
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/share
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/src

Install from /usr/src (the exe­cutable “chown” is hardlinked across an iocage base­jail dataset bound­ary, this fails in the nor­mal install­world, so we have to ignore this error and install a copy of the chown bina­ry to the place where the hardlink nor­mal­ly is):

cd /usr/src
make -i installworld DESTDIR=${IOCAGE_BASE}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root >&! iocage_installworld_base.log
cp -pv ${IOCAGE_BASE}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/sbin/chown ${IOCAGE_BASE}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root/usr/bin/chgrp
make distribution DESTDIR=${IOCAGE_BASE}/iocage/base/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root >>& iocage_installworld_base.log

While we are here, also cre­ate a release and not only a basejail:

zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/releases/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE
zfs create -o compression=lz4 ${POOLNAME}/iocage/releases/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root
make installworld DESTDIR=${IOCAGE_BASE}/iocage/releases/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root >&! iocage_installworld_release.log
make distribution DESTDIR=${IOCAGE_BASE}/iocage/releases/${SRC_REV}-RELEASE/root >>& iocage_installworld_release.log

And final­ly make this the default release which iocage uses when cre­at­ing new jails (this is optional):

iocage set release=${SRC_REV}-RELEASE default

Now the self-build FreeB­SD is avail­able in iocage for new jails.

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