Essen Hackathon sta­tus report – 1st day/evening

The Essen Hackathon 2015 starts. More or less around 6pm peo­ple start­ed to show up (includ­ing myself). The social­iz­ing ses­sion (BBQ) had some funny/interesting sto­ries, and pro­vid­ed already some inter­est­ing top­ics to have a clos­er look at.

Pos­si­ble can­di­dates where I can pro­vide some input are around DTrace: How to use it (but prob­a­bly Sean Chit­ten­den has some much more inter­est­ing DTrace things to show) and how to add SDT probes to the kernel.

On the ports side I want to get some insight into the USES frame­work, to see if it may be easy to con­vert the lin­ux­u­la­tor ports to it or not. Maybe I can also have a deep­er look into patch­es for the 64bit side of the linux_base ports.