Dae­mon­tools is not a part of the base sys­tem, so it would require to install it addi­tion­al­ly. The post I made is for cas­es where the uptime does not mat­ter that much, and where you do not want to spend the time to install and con­fig­ure addi­tion­al soft­ware. And the 10 min­utes was just an exam­ple, you could let cron check every minute if you want. But as I wrote, in my case it does not mat­ter much. Places where I would use dae­mon­tools are places where such a reboot for an unknown rea­son which I described would not be accept­able (num­ber one pri­or­i­ty would be to find out the rea­son of the reboot and do some­thing to fix the problem).