I merged a lot of ZFS patch­es to 7‑stable

Dur­ing the last weeks I iden­ti­fied 64 patch­es for ZFS which are in 8‑stable but not in 7‑stable. For 56 of them I had a deep­er look and most of them are com­mit­ed now to 7‑stable. The ones of those 56 which I did not com­mit are not applic­a­ble to 7‑stable (infra­struc­ture dif­fer­ences between 8 and 7).

Unfor­tu­nate­ly this did not solve the sta­bil­i­ty prob­lems I have on a 7‑stable system.

I also com­mit­ted a diff reduc­tion (between 8‑stable and 7‑stable) patch which also fixed some not so harm­less mis­merges (mem-leak and ini­tial­iz­ing the same mutex twice at dif­fer­ent places). No idea yet if it helps in my case.

I also want to merge the new arc reclaim log­ic from head to 8‑stable and 7‑stable. Maybe I can do this tomorrow.

Cur­rent­ly I run a test with a ker­nel where the shared locks for ZFS are switched to exclu­sive locks.

I do not like being ill

Unfor­tu­nate­ly you can not chose…

So, I am now on the sofa, cov­ered a lot (a flu, I even have no voice any­more; before I left work a female cowork­er told that her hus­band would prob­a­bly be hap­py if this would hap­pen to her…  😀 ) and med­ica­tion and water are not far away on the table.

The good thing with the cur­rent tech­nol­o­gy is, that you can still be a lit­tle bit pro­duc­tive (depend­ing on the illness).

As you can read this, it means I have my net­book with me, so that I can take care about some sim­ple things.