EMC^2/Legato Net­work­er status

The update to went fine. No major prob­lems encoun­tered. So far we did not see any regres­sions. The com­plete sys­tem feels a lit­tle bit more sta­ble (no restarts nec­es­sary so far, before some where nec­es­sary from time to time). We still have to test all our prob­lem cases:

  • restart NW-server direct­ly after delet­ing a client with index entries (man­u­al copy of /nsr need­ed before, in case the medi­adb cor­rup­tion bug is not fixed as promised)
  • shut­down a stor­age node to test if the NW-server still crash­es in this case
  • start with an emp­ty medi­adb but pop­u­lat­ed clients (emp­ty /nsr/mm, but untouched /nsr/res) and scan some tapes to check if “shad­ow clients” (my term for clients which have the same client ID but get new­ly cre­at­ed dur­ing the scan­ning with a new client ID and a name of “~<original-name>-<number>”) still get cre­at­ed instead of pop­u­lat­ing the index of the cor­rect client

The first two ones are sup­posed to be fixed, the last one is maybe not fixed.

Not fixed (accord­ing to the sup­port) is the prob­lem of need­ing a restart of the NW-server when mov­ing a tape library from one stor­age node to anoth­er stor­age node. It also seems that our prob­lem with the man­u­al cloning of save sets is not solved. There are still some clone process­es which do not get out of the “serv­er busy” loop, no mat­ter how idle the NW-server is. In this case it can be seen that nsr­clone is wait­ing in nanosleep (use pstack or dtrace to see it). The strange thing is, that a safe set which is “fail­ing” with such behav­ior will always cause this behav­ior. We need to have a deep­er look to see if we find sim­i­lar­i­ties between such safe sets and dif­fer­ences to safe sets which can be cloned with­out problems.

Dai­ly doxy­gen gen­er­at­ed docs of the FreeB­SD ker­nel (head)

I man­aged to get some time to set­up an auto­mat­ed gen­er­a­tion of the doxy­gen docs for ker­nel sub­sys­tems of FreeB­SD on my webserver.

Every night/morning (Ger­man time­zone) the sources will be updat­ed, and the docs get regen­er­at­ed (this takes some time). Cur­rent­ly this depends upon some patch­es to the make­file and doxy­gen con­fig files in tools/kerneldoc/subsys. Every­thing is gen­er­at­ed direct­ly in the place where the web­serv­er will look for to deliv­er the pages, so if you browse this in the mid­dle of the gen­er­a­tion, the con­tent may not be con­sis­tent (yet).

Please be nice to the web­serv­er and do not mir­ror this. You can gen­er­ate this your­self very easy. Assum­ing you have the FreeB­SD source on a local hard disk, you just need to down­load the patch from http://www.Leidinger.net/FreeBSD/current-patches/ (if you do not find dox.diff, update your FreeB­SD sources and every­thing will be OK), apply the patch, cd into tools/kerneldoc/subsys and run “make all” (or “make vm” or what­ev­er you are inter­est­ed in). You need doxy­gen installed, off course.

If you want to set­up some­thing like this your­self, just down­load the script which is doing all the work, change some vari­ables in the begin­ning, and cre­ate your own local ver­sion of the com­plete docs.

In case this is using sig­nif­i­cant traf­fic, I will ask core/admins if there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty to host it on FreeBSD.org resources.

My own XMPP/Jabber server

In the last week I took some time to set­up my own jab­ber server.

I decid­ed to have a look at ejab­berd. Seems to be nice. The ini­tial con­fig  was done with­out a prob­lem. Then I tried to enable some addi­tion­al stuff and then the docs start­ed to be not clear enough. It seems you have to con­fig­ure addi­tion­al host names if you want to add e.g. the echo ser­vice and an ICQ trans­port. I tried first with just the name of the sys­tem, but this did not work out as expect­ed. Now I have sev­er­al DNS entries to the same sys­tem, just to be able to run a XMPP serv­er with some addi­tion­al fea­tures . The default set­tings of the trans­ports are also to lis­ten on local­host, instead of a real inter­face of the machine.

Not real­ly user­friend­ly, and the docs do not explic­it­ly tell that you have to have those addi­tion­al entries (it is some­how told implic­it­ly, but if you go this way for the first time, it may not be obvious).

To con­fig­ure access via an web fron­tend (via the http_bind/bochs exten­sion), the docs are also not very clear. It is easy to over­look that you have to make a change in the lis­ten part and in the mod­ules part. After get­ting every­thing right, all seems to work good. I already have sev­er­al users and it seems that they are sat­is­fied. The only “bad” thing is that pid­gin does not seem to give a nice UI to add your ICQ (or what­ev­er trans­port you have con­fig­ured addi­tion­al­ly) account. While pid­gin can do ICQ, peo­ple may use the webin­ter­face at some loca­tions, so it would be nice if pid­gin would sup­port this better.

WP prob­lems solved

I solved my WP problems.

The perma­link prob­lem was because of a miss­ing .htac­cess file. I cre­at­ed one with write per­mis­sions for WP, and changed the permal­imk set­ting back.

The white-on-white issue was solved by set­ting CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS to false in wp-config, so it seems to be a caching prob­lem some­where. Lat­er I will take some time to switch back and flush some caches (at least where I have the rights to do it).